Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Getting, umm...NOW!!!

So my doc appointment today went like this:  brought back my 24 hour urine specimen, lost 2lbs per the scale, and blood pressure was 160/98 on my left arm, 158/98 on my right arm and 150/100 after sitting in the room waiting for the doctor.

She sent me to the birthing center to triage and my BP went down but the oncall doc was not interested in taking any chances with me and we all agreed to go ahead and induce tonight.

I was still 2cm when they started pitocin at 8:15pm.

Right now my contractions are coming along, but not really painful.

Guess we will be having a baby the day before Ian's birthday!!

I had felt a little off today even though I literally got to lie in bed for 1/2 the day, thanks to my MIL who came over to take care of the kids.  I felt like I had had a ton of caffeine and was jittery feeling.  I also had a very mild but persistent headache.

So that is where we are at right now at 10:30pm


Leila@LittleCatholicBubble said...

So exciting!! Praying!!!

Joy Beyond the Cross said...

Prayers coming for you tonight! St. Gerard, pray for A and baby!

Faith makes things possible said...

So very exciting!!!! Praying for you!

Sew said...

Yay!!!! Bring it on! How is it going/????? Ahhhh!

Hillary said...

Praying for you and your newest little one!


Faith makes things possible said...

I'm dying for an update over here!!!!