Thursday, February 28, 2013

Four Years Since We Held You.

It's been four years since we held you, Mary Grace.  Four years since you were briefly with us, in the safety of my womb.  Four years since we held your fragile, tiny body in that delivery room.

It's hard to believe that so much time has passed. 

But it's amazing to think how God has provided for us in these four years.  He held us close the year you left us, and he led our hearts to love and peace, even through our deep grief. 

He gave us Ian.

He strengthened our marriage and our family life. 

He led us to a new home.

And in a few short weeks, we will welcome a new life into our family, God-willing. 

Today, it is much easier to trust in His plan for our family.  We know that He will carry us and provide for us, even when it seems to be a hopeless and unlikely situation.

There were many times in those first few months after we lost you, that I wished God would take me to be with you.  I felt like I needed to be there with you.  And four years later, I know that He has been able to take care of you there with Him much better than I ever could.  And I know that His plans for me are here, with my other little ones.  There are days when I long to hold you again, to know you, and to love you in more than just the interior way I can now.  Even in the darkest days, there is light around the corner, if we can just continue on, and place our full trust in Him.

Continue to rest in peace, little baby.  We love and miss you, and know we will see you again someday.


KJL said...

I'm praying for you on this incredibly difficult anniversary. I also pray your current pregnancy continues well, and all goes well with the birth of your new little one--due on my own birthday!

Much love and sympathy from another corner of the Catholic blog world.

Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Prayers with you this day. I can't imagine what that hello and good-bye must have been like. I'm so glad you have two babies to snuggle today as you mourn Mary-Grace.

Karen said...

Praying for you. I cannot imagine the pain of saying hello and goodbye to your baby in the same day. Your strength is amazing.