Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Quick Takes #8

1.  Number One is that I'm wayyyy over due for a blog post here!  There are lots of reasons.  Little time, too lazy, and it's been hard to come up with some "real" subject matter.  Oh pictures of the kids is "real enough", but I've just been lacking in the meaty-post-writing department lately.

2.  We've I've started cloth diapering.  I'm kinda dragging my husband along into it....which is why I scratched out the "we've".  I have to say I'm a bit giddy about's actually awesome.  How can cloth diapering be fun?  Why am I looking forward to putting a new diaper on Ian at changing time??  Is it the snaps on those cute little cloth diapers??  Is it the bright colors??  I have no idea, but I love it!  I've gotten alot of help from around the blogworld (MoreLikeMaryMoreLikeMe and Andrew and Julie's Adoption Story) as well as from my IRL friend, Emily!  What a huge help!!

3.  Ian has a tooth (actually I think it's 2 teeth) coming in at 3 months!  I'm shocked....sort of.  He's been gnawing on his fists since around 6 weeks, but the pediatrician told me it was not likely to be due to his teeth.  I didn't really believe her.  Sure enough yesterday was a bit of a nightmare  (see pic below).  Poor little guy was just a mess with his sore little gums!  I held him umm....all day?  Okay, a good portion of the day. I don't know if you can really see in the bottom pic those two little white dots on his gums (bottom 2 front teeth), but I promise you they are there!  Iz didn't cut a tooth until 7 months..this is just crazy!  And of course it hasn't really cut through the gums yet...I think he'll feel much better once they do.

4.  Monday was mine and Rob's 8 year wedding anniversary!  Eight years has both flown by and yet it seems like we've always been together :)  What a blessing God has given me in him!

5.  My garden has been more of a failure than a success this year.  Overrun with weeds...(I didn't want to use weed killer for fear it would get my vegetables, and I don't really like weed killer/pesticides/etc.) but it seems like the weeds got the better of me.  I'm not going to show you a picture because it's too embarrassing!  But out of the lettuce, corn, squash, sweet peas, watermelon, tomatoes, peppers and green beans I planted.  We have eaten a few sweet peas, lettuce (although it's turned bitter), 1 squash before the squash bugs got it, a handful of green beans (but thankfully there are more), the watermelons are starting to rot on the bottom before they get big enough to eat (??), and the tomatoes are just now FINALLY starting to turn yellow.  All of these things were from seed...oh and the corn, it grew into stalks, just never produced any cobs.  Go figure. 

6.  It's been killer hot here.  100 degrees feeling like 110.  This is not the NC weather I grew up with.  Today is much more pleasant...we even got to have the screen door open because it was soooo cool!  Happy for cooler (high 88) weather yesterday and today!

7.  I thought this article about Corapi was excellent.  It put all the thoughts I've been having about his situation into the right perspective...I'm glad she wrote it.


asliceofsmithlife said...

Hi Angela!
Thank you for stopping by my snake feeding post and commenting! That is so neat that you visited the same serpentarium! A belated congrats for Ian's baptism! What beautiful children you have! My hubby and I just celebrated 14 years of marriage on July 12, yours was on July 11th right if I read this post correctly? Congrats on your anniversary! I'm about to click over and read the Corapi link as this situation is so sad and confusing to me. I hope Ian feels better with his sore little mouth. WOW, teething at 3 months? That's amazing! God bless you Angela!

Irene Roe said...

Happy Anniversary!

Thanks for the link on Corapi. The writer hit the head on the nail as to how I feel about his situation now. I second her arguement!

mrsblondies said...

Happy Anniversary (a bit late)!

Sorry to hear Ian is having to deal with teething pain already at 3 months. He's just a little older than K and I really am not ready to deal with that yet, especially with her weight gain issues.