Called up my regular OB today, Dr. S. to see if they could perform my Follicle ultrasound study and the different lab work that NaPro doc (Dr. C) wants done.
Receptionist has no clue if they can do it...."we have an ultrasound machine."
(Yes, I'm well aware of that; it's a Level II...that's how we found out about Mary Grace.) I say nothing. She patches me through to the nurse answering machine.
I leave a very detailed message including every type of blood test listed on my order sheet.
Nurse calls back and asks why I am seeing a doctor that is 3 hours away. I ask if she's ever heard of NaPro Technology. She hasn't. I explain that Dr. C is a specialist in this area of fertility care and that is why. Nurse wants Dr. S to call me back and speak with me personally.
2 hours later phone goes straight to voicemail!? It is Dr. S. I listen to his message and call him back.
He answers immediately and wants me to explain what is going on. I tell him that I'm seeing a new OB who specializes in NaPro...ask him if he's ever heard of it. He has not.
He immediately starts in on me asking why my new doc thinks it's necessary to do a follicle study considering my history.
Especially, he adds, when there is no research to back up doing a follicle study or assessing hormonal events throughout my cycle.
What?? I'm thinking in my head about the 30+ years of research that NaPro is based on, but I can't really interject anything because he is continuing on in a diatribe about me being better off using techniques that insurance will cover that have had many years of research, and that he wants to make sure that I'm not having tests done unnecessarily, and why don't you just go here (a fertility clinic) because they helped him 10 years ago, and it's going to get really expensive really fast if your insurance doesn't cover this. Well he knows darn well that we won't go certain routes because we've had that discussion in his office many times before.
He must have asked me 8-10 different times (I thought at one point about starting a tally to keep track) if I was sure I wanted to continue with this other doctor and aren't I sure I wouldn't rather start with injectible meds and give that a try first?
Whew! To say I was flustered and upset at the onslaught is understating it! About the only thing I was able to affirm several times was that NaPro was the route that DH and I were now pursuing at this time and I trusted the judgement of my NaPro doc about which tests she thought we should undergo.
Now...I don't want you to misunderstand. I believe my OB (Dr. S) absolutely said all these things believing that he has my best interests in mind. I think he honestly believes that I am about to get "taken" by some quack doctor who is going to take advantage of my infertile position and run all kinds of useless and expensive tests on me just to make a dime. So I'm not mad at the way he reacted when I told him about new doc.
I am however, frustrated by the fact that he has never heard of NaPro and therefore knows nothing of what it might be able to do for me! I pointed him to and I have to say that I am hopeful about what he might think once he looks into it....and oh boy, he will! After my ectopic pregnancy we got into a discussion about the ethics of it all and once I explained my views as a Catholic (he is Jewish, I believe), he went and did his own research about what Catholics believe on this issue because he wanted to have an informed opinion to be able to better serve people like me. Which I thought was really awesome!
I just know he will come away with some insight after reading that website and getting linked to Pope Paul VI Institute's website! So I am asking you to say a quick prayer for him right now! And prayer buddy if you are reading this, please say a prayer for him that his heart would be open to learning about this technology!
All we can do is tell others, right? God has to do the rest.