Thursday, May 29, 2014

No Oncology Visit! Praise God!

Because of the holiday on Monday, I had my blood drawn Tuesday.  So Wednesday morning I was waiting with baited breath for a phone call around 7:30am.  My OBGYN nurse always calls at this time, so I knew that if I got a phone call around this time then all would be well.  If not, that meant the doctor would be giving me a call later and that would not be great news.

Luckily at 7:34am, the phone rang and the nurse said that my HCG level had gone down 1 from 4 to 3!  This was excellent news to me.  But again, they want it at zero.

She then told me that my doctor said I could do an optional referral to a gynecological oncologist for a second opinion due to the "slow decline" in HCG levels.  I had read somewhere that if after a molar pregnancy, your HCG is down to negative within 7 weeks, then you have a shorter wait time before they release you to try to conceive again, more than 7 weeks is apparently concerning to the doctors.  Well, this week will be 16 weeks for me.  So that has definitely been discouraging that everything is going so slowly.

But why focus on that?  The good news is that my levels went down and I don't have to do an oncology consult.  Praise God!


Billie Jo said...

Happy Day!

Beth Cotell said...

That is great news! Praying that your levels continue to decrease.

Anonymous said...

That's great news. If we were you, though, I would seriously consider getting the oncologist's second opinion just to be on the safe side and for peace of mind.